Terms and Conditions

Reservations & Payments

Reservations may be made online or by phoning 1-888-775-9054. Deposits and/or final payment may be made by Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover or personal check. If paying by check, make checks payable to Sports & Entertainment Travel.

All reservations will be acknowledged on a first-come, first-served basis.

If a deposit is due, amounts vary and will be payable to SET in order to secure reservations on most travel packages.  The balance of your payment will be due 75 days prior to the trip.  The credit card used to make the reservation will be automatically charged 75 days out unless notified otherwise by the client.  Reservations received within 75 days of the trip will require full payment at the time of booking, if space is still available.

Special Events

Certain travel packages that we may offer will require full payment at the time of booking.

Pre-Registration Deposits

Occasionally we will offer certain travel packages that participants can sign up for by making a fully-refundable deposit in order to receive advance trip information.  Once the details are released to those who have pre-registered, participants will have a specified timeframe to respond by either booking their trip with the deposit being applied to the tour package or electing to cancel and having the deposit refunded in full.

Cancellations, Refunds and Changes

A fee of $100 to $200 fee per charge will be accessed for any revision made to a reservation. If flight changes (including flight cancellations) are requested, revision fees or airline cancellations will apply.

Cancellations made 75 days or more prior to travel will result in a $200 per person cancellation fee. No refunds will be issued for cancellations made 75 or less prior to trip departure unless the participant’s airline and/or hotel space is resold. If space is resold, participant will receive a full refund, less a $200 cancellation fee plus any airline name change fees that result from the resale of participant’s airline seat. No refunds will be issued for unused ground transportation or for other services provided and not used by the participant.

Once a reservation has been made, it is non-refundable. Any name changes or changes to package arrangements made after registration will result in a $100 to $200 charge per change. No name changes will be accepted within one week prior to travel. No refunds will be issued for unused transportation or for other package inclusions not used by the participant.

Land-Only Packages

Land-only packages may be purchased by those wishing to travel on their own. Packages include all items listed as “air package features,” exclusive of air transportation, airport/hotel transfers and airport baggage handling.

Special Children’s Pricing

Children’s rates are limited to those 12 years of age or under sharing a room with at least one adult and using existing bedding configuration i.e. (if 2 adults and a child/children occupy a room, the adults will be charged the double price and the children the child’s price. If the room is occupied by 1 adult and a child/children, the adult will be charged the single price and the children the child’s price.)


Roll-away beds may only be added to King-bedded rooms and will incur extra charges. Requests for roll-away beds are subject to availability and differing fire and safety laws.

Tour Details & Costs

Dates, itineraries, features and trip prices are subject to change and/or revision and are based on current exchange rates, airfares and tariffs.

Disability & Special Needs

SET makes every effort to contract with providers of lodging, transportation and entertainment which fully comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you have special travel or accommodation needs, you must notify SET in writing as to the nature of any special accommodations or needs you may require. Neither SET nor any of the providers of transportation, lodging or entertainment can ensure special accommodations without advance notice. Passengers requiring special assistance, including without limitation those who permanently or periodically use a wheelchair, MUST BE accompanied by someone who is fit and able to assist them, and who will be completely responsible for providing all required assistance. The right is reserved to decline to accept or to retain any person as a member of this trip who, in the opinion of SET, is unfit for travel or whose physical or mental condition may constitute a danger to themselves or to others on the trip.


This program is operated under the management of Sports & Entertainment Travel, Inc. (SET), 310 S. Burrowes St., State College, PA 16801 and 301 North Neil Street, Suite 201, Champaign, IL 61820. Acting in accordance with the US Department of Transportation regulations governing “public” charter flights, SET serves only as an agent for the tour participant in regard to travel, whether by airline, motor coach, railroad or ship and assumes no liability for injury, damage, loss (including baggage and personal possessions), accident, delay, or irregularity which may be occasioned either by reason of defect in any vehicle or for any reason whatsoever, or through acts of default of any company engaged in conveying the participant or in carrying out the arrangements of the tour. SET shall not be responsible for any injuries, damages, losses or additional expenses incurred by tour participants that result from, or in connection with, weather or mechanical related delays of aircraft or other transport modes, sickness, weather, strike, government disorder, war, terrorist activities, insurrection, social or labor unrest, acts of God, quarantine, diseases, criminal acts, mechanical or construction difficulties, or other causes. Nor does SET assume any liability for personal injury, damage to or loss of personal possessions, or accidents and/or delays that result from negligence, default or “failure to perform” on the part of any subcontracted travel or service provider. All such losses or expenses will be borne by the tour participant as tour rates provide only for arrangements as detailed on the website. SET reserves the right to refuse to accept or retain any person as a member of the tour at anytime. SET also reserves the right to substitute comparable accommodations and transportation and to make any changes in the itinerary where deemed necessary. In the event of insufficient participation, SET reserves the right to cancel any or all parts of the tour and make appropriate refunds to the participants in accordance with applicable US Department of Transportation rules.

Tour participants, by engaging SET and making deposit and/or full payment for the package arrangement specified, acknowledges the position of SET as stipulated by the foregoing and agrees to hold SET blameless in making the arrangements on his behalf, provided same shall be made through generally acceptable suppliers at the time of the engagement, and further agrees that restitution of damages, if any are claimed, shall be sought directly from the suppliers. The tour participant also agrees to the terms and conditions of the tour and services as set forth by the suppliers.  Rates are subject to changes without notice.  Tours and event tickets are subject to availability.  Payment of deposit or full payment shall constitute consent of all provisions stated herein.  Your retention of tickets, vouchers or booking after issuance shall constitute consent to the above and an agreement on your part to convey the contents here to your travel companions or group members.

The tour participant shall be defined as all persons whom register their email and/or purchase Travel Packages or other services from SET through dedicated sites, by phone, or fax, will be considered customers of SET.

Your Acceptance of Term of Use

Sports & Entertainment Travel, Inc. (SET) is pleased to provide you with the content and information on the SET Site for your personal, non-commercial use only, unless you and SET have agreed otherwise in writing. Your use of this Site is subject to the following Terms of Use (“Terms”). We may periodically change the Terms, so please check them from time to time as your continued use of the site signifies your acceptance of any changed items.

Copyright Policy, Linking Policy and Trademarks

Unless otherwise noted, all materials on this site are protected as the copyrights, trade dress, trademarks and/or other intellectual properties owned by SET or its affiliates, or by other parties that have licensed their material to SET. Accordingly, you may not copy, distribute, modify, post or frame-in the SET Site, including any text, graphics, video, audio, software code, user interface design or logos. All rights not expressly granted are reserved.

Unless you and SET have agreed otherwise, links from another web site to the SET Site must resolve to the top-level homepage.

Prohibited Uses

Because all servers have limited capacity and are used by many people, do not use the SET Site in any manner that could damage or overburden any SET server, or any network connected to any SET server. Further, do not use the SET site in any manner that would interfere with any other party’s use.

Personal Use

Your use of the materials included on this site is for travel-related purposes only. You agree you will not distribute, publish, transmit, modify, display or create derivative works from or exploit the contents of this site in any way. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless SET for any and all unauthorized uses you may make of any material on the site. You acknowledge the unauthorized use of the contents could cause irreparable harm to SET and that in the event of an unauthorized use, SET shall be entitled to an injunction in addition to any other remedies available at law or in equity.

Privacy Policy

Generally, SET only obtains specific and individualized data about its web site visitors when such information is supplied voluntarily, i.e., when web site visitors send e-mail to or purchase services from SET. SET then uses the information for the purpose of fulfilling the visitors’ requests. However, SET gathers some generic information automatically, solely to help SET determine the success and usefulness of its web sites. This generic information, which does not reveal the identity of the visitor, may include such things as what web site the visitor visited, how much time that person spent on various pages of the site, visitors’ domain name types (.com, .org, etc.), and the originating web page of the visitor. SET uses this information to determine customer service needs. In the future, SET may increase its technical abilities for gathering data about visitors in order to enhance the services offered to visitors and customers. This privacy policy will be periodically updated to reflect any such changes to SET’s practices.

SET web sites may employ “cookies”. Cookies are small segments of text that are transmitted to a visitor’s web browser and which store information on the visitor’s hard drive. This information is later transmitted back to the server that originally sent it to the visitor upon a later visit to that site. Cookies allow servers to recall previous transactions to avoid repetition in data gathering. A visitor can configure its equipment hardware, usually with its browser to make notification when they receive a cookie. The visitor can refuse it.

SET will not sell or reveal information obtained about its visitors to anyone outside of SET unless authorized by the visitor, it is legally required, or such disclosure is required to protect the safety of employees, visitors, customers, or property. SET does not send “junk” e-mail, also known as “spam”. In certain instances, when SET wishes to contact customers via e-mail, respond to messages, confirm purchases, or transmit information requested by a visitor, SET will use e-mail. Any time a customer or visitor receives e-mail it does not want from SET, the customer can request that SET not send further e-mail.

SET has security measures in place for protecting data conveyed during a visitor’s purchase with SET. SET employees, partners and subcontractors are required to protect the privacy of such data. SET wants its visitors and customers to feel that their privacy will be protected when the visitor purchases services from SET on-line. SET denies any responsibility for the privacy protections or content offered by other sites to which SET’s web site may contain links.


Any dispute arising from these terms shall be resolved exclusively in the state and federal courts of Illinois and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. If you access this site from outside the United States, be advised this site may contain references to products, services, or information that may be unavailable or prohibited in your country.